Steplab set up and support

As a school or trust leader using Steplab, you'll have access to extensive support from our team of former teachers and school leaders. We pride ourselves on being ultra-responsive in sharing our guidance and experience with our community, in lots of different ways.

Setting up Steplab

Setup checklist - our step-by-step guide makes it super easy to add users, set up teams, launch coaching, and much more!

Book a masterclass - register your school's PD lead to work with a Steplab expert to design your bespoke implementation plan in a masterclass

Delve into our training - access our extensive library of resources and ready-made courses to start building your unique PD programme

Access to our expert team

Our team of Coaching Development Leads (CDLs) are on hand to help you with all of your implementation needs.

All of our CDLs are previous school leaders who have experience in implementing coaching in schools or across groups of schools.

The team will take time to understand your context and provide bespoke support matched to the specific needs of your trust or school.

Coaching training

Our online Coaching Skills Builder course consists of 20 modules, each approximately 15 minutes long, that tackle key aspects of skilled feedback, modelling, rehearsal and coaching.

The Steplab team also plan and resource your school PD and INSET for you with our customisable resources that support you to build your own in-school training sessions. Just choose your session, download and customise our materials, and watch the guidance videos to help you deliver great training in your school, whenever you need it.

Plus, we host regular webinars that are all accessible as part of your subscription, covering topics such as implementing a context-specific coaching programme, utilising Steplab data to respond to key priorities, and building a positive feedback culture.

Steplab Coaching Hubs

Our Coaching Hubs are schools that use Steplab as part of their highly intentional approach to professional development and are seeing great results.

Our Hubs span the UK and host visits so you can see their approach to professional development in action and work with school leaders to problem-solve and design an implementation plan that works for your school.

They'll supercharge your knowledge of how to optimise responsive coaching for your context - so that you leave feeling motivated and inspired about what you can achieve in your own trust or school.

Steplab Certificate in Coaching Leadership

The Steplab Certificate in Coaching Leadership (CCL) helps leaders to make responsive coaching work in their school, increasing the impact of coaching and developing great leadership.

The course includes three in-person days across a year, as well as one local school visit. Plus remote expert sessions, independent study opportunities and regular calls with a small group of coaching leads.

Our Certified Coaching Leads call the course 'transformational' and we're incredibly proud that 100% of participants say they'd recommend the course to other leaders.

Innovation and research

Steplab is committed not only to developing the world's most powerful approach to improving teaching, but also to sharing what we learn as we go.

We continue to update our Resources, News & Views and Success Stories with research papers, essays, and case studies related to effective school improvement.

Book a Steplab demo

Find out how Steplab works - and discover what it can do to transform professional development in your school or trust - with a short, no-obligation demo with a member of our experienced team.

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