The Steplab Certificate in Coaching Leadership
News|14th February 2024
Director of Training - Steplab
Sign up for The Certificate.
Are you responsible for leading coaching in your school? Are you:
- 1.Trying to make instructional coaching work (better) in your school (or trust)?
- 2.Wondering what you can do to increase the impact of coaching?
- 3.Searching for ways to improve your coaching leadership – and looking for people to learn from?
The Steplab Certificate in Coaching Leadership is here. We think it’s what you’re looking for.
From our CCL graduates:
"I’ve learnt more this year, being part of the Certificate in Coaching Leadership, than in my last ten years in teaching and leadership combined."
Millie Denby, Deputy Headteacher, William Perkin CofE High School (Twyford CofE Academies Trust)
"The Steplab Certificate in Coaching Leadership has made a transformational impact on my understanding about how effective professional development can be used to drive school improvement."
Olivia Page, Trust Director of Professional Development, Orion Education
"My knowledge and understanding of how to design and implement an effective professional development programme has improved immensely as a direct result of the Certificate and as such, my ability to effectively lead on coaching at both a school and Trust level has developed in such a way that the impact is clear to see."
Helen Lisseman, Teaching and Learning Lead - Primary, Oak MAT
If our testimonials from our Certified Coaching Leads aren't enough to whet your appetite, here are three more reasons to sign up:
1. Learning tailored to help you build a great coaching team
The Certificate in Coaching Leadership is uniquely tailored to support the coaching lead. It will:
- 1.Build your coaching expertise – and support you to share that expertise with your coaching team
- 2.Guide you in recruiting, training and supporting a highly effective coaching team
- 3.Help you to make instructional coaching work as a core part of a coherent teacher development programme
2. Carefully curated learning experiences
The Certificate has been painstakingly designed to give you the chance to:
- 1.See great coaching
- 2.Hear from the experts
- 3.Visit schools building effective coaching programmes
- 4.Build lasting relationships with fellow coaching leads
The programme weaves these experiences together: you will see, hear about, practise, discuss and master new learning.
3. A rigorous and reasonable experience
- 1.The programme is rigorous. We will push you to think hard, improve your practice & transform your coaching programme.
- 2.It’s also reasonable. It’s designed to fit around the busy life of a coaching lead. We won’t waste a moment of your time.
Sign up for the Steplab Certificate in Coaching Leadership
- 1.When does it start? Our fourth cohort will begin in September 2025.
- 2.Where and when is it? Three in-person days in the year and one local school visit. In-person days will be hosted in London and Birmingham depending on which cohort you choose to join. The rest is remote, with expert sessions, independent study and regular calls with a small group of coaching leads. You can expect to spend a couple of hours on the programme most weeks.
- 3.What does it cost? For schools using Steplab, the programme costs £995¹ for a year’s learning! Exclusive discounts are available as part of trust partnerships or for multiple delegates from one organisation.
- 4.
Important note: This is for UK Steplab partner schools. However, there are a very limited number of spaces available for non-partner schools for £1,095² per delegate. This fee includes licences for four users so you can engage with the course on the Steplab platform.
¹plus a £16.50 booking fee and VAT
²plus a £19.50 booking fee and VAT