Case Study: Ted Wragg Trust - consistency, purpose and personalisation - how coaching has transformed our trust

Resources|8th May 2024

We really do believe the quality of teaching in our schools has got better because of responsive coaching. It locks in consistent systems and strong habits, creating a predictable, positive learning environment for all students.

About the Author

Siobhan Meredith

Executive Director of Education - Ted Wragg Trust

Siobhan Meredith is Executive Director of Education at the Ted Wragg Trust. In this case study, Siobhan shares how the trust of 16 schools has transformed the quality of teaching and learning and in turn, seen significant improvements in the outcomes for their pupils.

Raising the Bar

Since we set foot on this path in 2017, we've seen remarkable progress. Our member school, All Saints Academy Plymouth, was one of the lowest performing schools in a DfE Education Investment Area and had never been “Good” since its inception as a predecessor school, is now rated “Good” by Ofsted. And at Marine Academy Primary, only 63% of their students met expected standards in 2019 – by 2023, this reached 80%, including 93% of disadvantaged students.

We really do believe the quality of teaching in our schools has got better because of responsive coaching. It locks in consistent systems and strong habits, creating a predictable, positive learning environment for all students. Plus, spotting and addressing specific teaching and pastoral needs through coaching allows staff to continuously improve.

A Powerful Tool

Steplab has revolutionised professional development, trust-wide. We’ve all seen how traditional one-off away days leave barely any traceable impact. Shifting to regular, deliberate practice allows teachers to internalise new habits and strategies for immediate impact in the classroom. Through actionable steps and video recording, Steplab guides improvement and provides concrete evidence of progress. And the Steplab Library represents a vast resource of best practices and coaching sequences for every moment. Everyone can see how each tiny action can make a huge difference in their classrooms.

There have been some challenges of adoption. Steplab fits into existing resource and time structures, but that can require some creativity and will. Facing time constraints for example, we repurposed staff meetings to accommodate coaching and deliberate practice. And while some teachers were initially cautious about the changes, leaders participating in coaching themselves has led to whole-school buy-in. Finally, some were uncomfortable about being videoed at first – but the easy benefits have brought people around. Ultimately the bespoke nature of Steplab is key. That’s where staff see it having that tangible impact.

Coaching Culture

Our coaching journey with Steplab is summed up by three words: consistency, purpose, and personalisation.

Consistent teaching methods ensure a structured learning environment. Our children tell us that they like the fairness in our rooms and the consistency in our rooms, so they know what to expect. Coaching is purposeful, addressing specific needs and equipping teachers with necessary skills. And Steplab is founded on personalisation, allowing teachers to tailor their learning journey. What’s more, it’s shifted our culture – stronger relationships have emerged based on trust and collaboration. Embracing vulnerability has allowed teachers to learn from each other. And a consistent approach across schools fosters alignment under a shared vision for quality.

Our experience at Ted Wragg Trust is a testament to the transformative power of effectively delivered coaching. By prioritising consistent, high-quality teaching, our team have been empowered to make sure every child gets the best possible education. For schools and trusts keen on boosting outcomes and cultivating a learning environment for all – we'd love you to see our model in action, and visit us on one of our hub days.

If you’d like to hear more about how Steplab provides 1000s of schools with professional development that really works, contact [email protected] or book a free demo.

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